Find a Workout
1. Go to the Winning Strength Blueprint app on your iPhone.
2. Tap on the Training tab at the bottom.
3. Find a Workout, then tap on the Workout title
Manage a Workout
1. Tap the 3 dot menu icon in the top right
Tap Edit to edit basic Workout information such as workout date, name and notes
Tap Delete to delete the Workout and all associated set information completely
View the associated Training Program
If the Workout is associated with a Training Program then the name of the Program will appear in yellow below the Workout name.
Tap on the Program name to view the Program.
View Comments
Comments can be added to the entire Workout, or individual exercises from the Workout.
Tap on the speech bubble to open a page containing all of the Comments for the Workout or Exercise selected.
View Set Videos (When working with a Coach)
Set Videos can be added once a set has been logged.
Tap on the camera icon to open a page containing all of the Set Videos for the selected Exercise.
View Workout Information and Readiness
At the bottom of the Workout view all of the general Workout information will be visible. Here you will find information about the duration of the Workout, total reps completed, total volume and Readiness information (where provided)