View your Training Library

1. Go to the Winning Strength Blueprint app on your iPhone.

2. Tap Training at the bottom of the screen to see the following sections:

Today: Your workout(s) due to be performed today. Tap on the workout to see the information page containing the exercises, coach notes and other information.

Next Up: Your workout(s) due to be performed in the future. Tap on the workout to see the information page containing the exercises, coach notes and other information.

New: Training Program(s) recently assigned to you by your Coach. Tap on the program to see the information page and planned workouts. Alternatively, tap on the yellow workout button at the bottom to access the next planned session directly.

Continue Program: Training Program(s) currently in progress. Tap on the program to see the information page and planned workouts. Alternatively, tap on the yellow workout button at the bottom to access the next planned session directly.

Workouts in Progress: Your workout(s) started but not yet completed. Tap on the workout to see the information page. When done, complete the workout so your Coach knows.

Recently Completed: Your last completed workout(s). Review the week's training, your PBs and plan the upcoming sessions.

Collections: See Completed, Archived and Team Programs as well as all other Programs and Workouts.

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