What are Protocols?

When creating a training program, more specifically copying a phase (week), there are now some additional options you can use to save time.

  • Default = Standard copy of one week to another
  • Deload = Will reduce the number of sets for all exercises by the percentage specified
    • e.g. 5x5 deloaded by 20% will be 4x5 
  • Norwegian (explained in more detail below)

This protocol has some addition complexity and deserves it's own section. The protocol works in the following way:

NOTE: This protocol will generate Weeks 2 (6), 3 (7) and 4 (8) all at once.

  • Primary exercise (i.e. with rest period >= 90s)
    • Increase number of sets performed by 1, except Week 4 / 8 where sets performed = 2
    • Decrease reps
    • Set spread percentage to 20% in Week 4 / 8
  • Assistance exercise
    • Reduce number of sets performed by 1, with a minimum of 1 set, except Week 4 / 8 where sets performed = 3
    • Decrease reps according to the scheme 20, 15, 12, 12, 15, 12, 10, 10 (based on Week)
    • Set spread percentage to 20% in Week 4 / 8

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